Benefits of ozonated olive oil for the skin and face
Some of the potential benefits of ozonated olive oil for the skin include:
1. Antioxidant content
Ozonated olive oil acts as an antioxidant, which is a substance that prevents oxidation. Oxidation is a process that can produce free radicals, which are chemicals that can potentially damage cells and may contribute to cancer development.
When applied to the skin, antioxidants may prevent premature aging. Also, some research suggests that putting ozonated olive oil on the skin after sun exposure may fight off cancer-causing cells.
In the study, scientists applied the oil to the skin of mice that had been exposed to potentially harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Tumor growth was significantly lower in the mice that had ozonated olive oil on their skin compared with those who did not.
Scientists need to carry out more research in this area to understand the effects of ozonated olive oil's antioxidant properties on human skin.
2. Vitamin content
Ozonated olive oil contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Some of these vitamins may be beneficial for the skin.
For example, people have used vitamin E oil topically throughout history to treat a variety of skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema.
3. Antibacterial effects
One small study looked at the effects of using ozonated olive oil and coconut ozoanted oil on Staphylococcus aureus bacteria on the skin. The results found that both oils exhibited antibacterial properties, but ozonated coconut oil was more effective at eliminating the bacteria.
Nonetheless, ozonated olive oil may sometimes be used to treat bacterial infections of the skin. It may also improve healing in people with foot ulcers caused by type 2 diabetes.
4. Moisturizing effects
Ozonated olive oil is a popular natural moisturizer that is often used to soften both skin and hair. However, there is very little research on its effectiveness.
How to use ozonated olive oil on the skin
Ozonated olive oil is an ingredient in many personal care products, including face wash, body wash, soap, and lotions. Other ways to use ozonated olive oil on the skin include:
Moisturizer and after-sun treatment
Some people use ozonated olive oil as a moisturizing lotion by applying it directly to the skin before blotting off excess oil. Alternatively, the oil can be applied to damp skin to prevent a greasy feeling.
Based on the study of its antioxidant effects on mice, ozonated olive oil may be especially beneficial when applied following sun exposure.
To exfoliate the face and body and treat areas of dry or scaly skin, a person can mix ozonated olive oil and sea salt to make a scrub.
People should use fine-grained salt on the face and other sensitive areas, and coarser grains on the rest of the body.
Eye-makeup remover
Ozonated olive oil breaks down any water-resistant substances in eye makeup, allowing them to be wiped away more easily.
To remove eye makeup, just add a few drops of ozonated olive oil to a cotton ball and gently wipe the eye area.
Face mask
People with dry skin may see benefits from using an ozonated olive oil-based face mask. Ozonated olive oil mixed with ingredients such as egg white, honey, or ground oats can soften and hydrate the face.
Wrinkle treatment
Due to its antioxidant content, ozonated olive oil may reduce aging skin and wrinkles. The oil can be dabbed around the eye area at night or following sun exposure.
Scar oil
The vitamins and other antioxidants in ozonated olive oil may fade scars by helping skin cells to regenerate.
Simply massage the ozonated oil into scars or mix it with a squeeze of lemon juice to treat areas of hyperpigmentation, where the skin has darkened due to scarring.
Ozonated olive oil may also be used to prevent or treat stretch marks, although studies on its effectiveness have found mixed results.