What are Demodex Mites?
Demodex can produce the enzyme lipase which is necessary for Demodex to digest the sebum it feeds on. Lipase can adversely affect the quality, condition and appearance of your scalp and hair. Demodex Mites are invisible to the naked eye, usually measuring between 100 – 300 microns in length. There are numerous different signs of demodex activity. One of the most obvious signs of the condition is itching, crawling sensation on the face or (and) in the scalp, but most of the time, there is no itching at all, and people are not aware they are infested with Demodex mites.
If the mites goes unobserved, the mite populations can dramatically increase, resulting to hair thinning problem. Hair loss, in some cases, pre-mature hair loss can be linked with extended demodex folliculorum activity.
How are Demodex Follicle Mites Development?
The development stages of Demodex Follicle Mites include egg, larva, nymphs, nymphae and adult, that is five periods. Females lay eggs in the hair follicle and sebaceous glands, egg (Ovum) follicle a small mushroom, the size is about 0.04 mm x 0.10 mm, sebum creep mite eggs are oval shaped, the size is about 0.03 mm x 0.06 mm. About after 60 hours hatched larvae (Larva), larvae by about 36 hours before moulting for nymphs (Protonymph). Larvae, and nymphs before have 3 pairs, the developmental molting larva (Nymph) for 72 hours. Nymphs shaped like an Adult, but reproductive organs have not yet been mature, not food, about after 2 - 3 days' development shed their skin for Adult. About after 5 days or so mature, in the hair follicle mouth after mating, a female mite into the hair follicles and sebaceous glands to lay eggs, the male mite is dead after mating. Complete generation life cycle takes about half a month. Female mites life span more than 4 months.

What damage can Demodex follicle mites do?
Demodex follicle mites live inside the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, sucking nutrients from the hair roots and damaging the cell walls. After mating, they parasitize the skin, then lay eggs, and introduce bacteria and infection to the skin. Throughout the five phases of their life cycle, these mites destroy the skin by excreting wastes and secretions, laying eggs and dying within its layers. After death, their corpses become liquid and decompose inside the skin.
Sterilize Demodex Mites using ozone
Ozone (O3) ) is composed of three oxygen atoms, is a kind of strong oxidizer, room temperature has a half-life of about 20 minutes, easy to decompose, soluble in water. Belongs to a broad spectrum of ozone sterilization, whether liquid or gaseous ozone, have extremely strong oxidation ability and antimicrobial properties, and can rapidly and effectively inactivate bacteria, fungi and virus, parasite and so on, belongs to the highly effective fungicides. In the field of beauty treatment, ozone can treat skin diseases such as sterilization on the surface of the skin.The Tests had showed that Ozone in the liquid phase can kill Demodex follicle mites and many types of bacteria on the hair and scal, the killing rate was 70% in 1 minute, and the killing rate was 99.2% in 3 minutes.

Ozone therapy with demodicosis
Ozone therapy with demodicosis is one of the modern methods for eliminating skin problems. This procedure is really capable to help with the treatment of the problem and has earned the trust of many people. However, one ozonotherapy will be small. It is necessary to use other measures in the complex! Ozone in the right doses acts as an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, bactericidal, antiviral, cytostatic, anti-stress, fungicidal and analgesic. Ozone therapy is now successfully used in almost all areas of medicine, including dermatology and cosmetology.
The fundamental difference between ozonotherapy and other cosmetic products and procedures is a double action, both on the surface of the body and in the middle of the body, which leads to normalization of nutrition, moistening, protection and renewal of metabolic processes in the skin. The approach to treatment and choice of techniques is strictly individual. In the cosmetology practice, methods of introducing ACS into the dermis, subcutaneous fat and intracapillary injections have been widely used, which can effectively fight cellulite, lipodystrophy, reduce wrinkles, improve the turgor of the skin and treat various dermatolocosmetological diseases. Treatment of demodecosis in this way is widely used.

Is it possible to treat the entire body? Would that require a bariatric chamber?