Coconut ozonated oil is quickly absorbed and is non greasy, great for anti aging, anti wrinkle moisturizing skincare.

For example, the lauric acid found in coconut ozonated oil converts to monolaurin, which is a compound that helps kill harmful fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Other fatty acids in coconut ozonated oil that are effective against Candida include capric acid and caprylic acid.
At the same time, these powerful fatty acids leave the good bacteria and yeast alone, which benefits the immune system.
Coconut ozonated oil also has antioxidant properties that help in the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. Also, it’s safe to use coconut ozonated oil for a yeast infection while pregnant.
While coconut ozonated oil and Candida are perfect for each other, the question is, how is coconut ozonated oil used for yeast infections? Coconut ozonated oil can be used to treat Candida both externally and internally, including the following three methods:
Wash with the ozonated oil:
You can also wash with coconut ozonated oil once or twice each day to help prevent a yeast infection. Simply combine three to four tablespoons of coconut ozonated oil with two quarts of warm, distilled water.
Submerge a cloth into the solution and wash your affected areas. Perform the procedure as much as needed until the infection is gone.
Apply it to your skin:
Coconut ozonated oil can also fight yeast infections of the skin. Simply clean and dry your affected area, and apply a small amount of coconut ozonated oil. This should be done two to three times throughout the day and into the evening.
Apply coconut ozonated oil to the skin regularly until the infection has disappeared completely.
You could also combine it with other infection-fighting remedies such as garlic oil, cinnamon oil, or vitamin E drops.
Add it to your diet:
Adding coconut ozonated oil to your diet is a no-brainer. It’s a good idea to add three to five tablespoons of coconut ozonated oil to your diet every day, but I would start with a single tablespoon and work your way up to five.