How To Use Sweet Almond Ozonated Oil

Almond ozonated oil had been used extensively for its health benefits and as a beauty aid much before science caught up with the goodness of this seed oil. Very popular in Southeast Asia and in the Mediterranean region where the Almond tree was first domesticated, the almond kernels and the nutty oil extracted from them were credited with promoting heart and skin health.Now we know that the oil is rich in Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium and zinc, besides a number of other minerals and vitamins, which explains why it is so good for our heart, skin and hair.

1. Sweet Almond Ozonated Oil To Make Your Skin Young And Healthy: Vitamins A, B and E are essential to keep your skin, young and supple. Most big brand skin care products contain these vitamins. Sweet almond ozonated oil is naturally rich in having these vitamins and other skin-friendly nutrients in abundance. Moreover, pure almond oil keeps your skin moisturized. Being noncomedogenic, and medium-light non greasy lubricant, it gets into your skin easily without blocking skin pores. This versatile ozonated oil for skin care provide following skin benefits and helps to:

  1. Cleanse the skin.
  2. Enrich complexion and preserve glow.
  3. Moisturize naturally deep into skin.
  4. Ease skin irritation and skin inflammation.
  5. Prevent dry, flaky and irritated skin. When applied on oily skin in little quantity, it balances the complexion.
  6. Nurture skin, making it supple, smoother and softer.
  7.  Treat chapped lips and body rashes.
  8. Delay the signs of skin aging.

Method: Use this simple homemade sweet almond ozonated oil recipe for improving your skin health and enhancing its glow.

  1. Take 1/4 fully ripe avocado, 1 teaspoon each of honey and sweet almond ozonated oil.
  2. Puree the avocado and combine all the ingredients together to form a uniform paste.
  3. Apply the concoction on face and other skin areas, as desired. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water and pat dry.

2. Sweet Almond Ozonated Oil For Treating Wrinkles, Fine Lines And Preventing Skin Aging

Are you worried about fine lines and crowfeet spoiling your appearance? Use sweet almond ozonated oil for treating wrinkles, fine lines and skin aging as it is one of the most well-known oils for skin benefits. It facilitates tightening of the dull, aged skin and lessening of the wrinkles and fine lines appearance. By using sweet almond ozonated oil as a facial lotion, you can repair signs of aging and prevent further damage to the skin. It raises the amount of moisture that your skin can carry, thereby keeps your skin fresh for longer time.

Method: Use this facial massage regularly to repair skin and for removing fine lines and wrinkles. It moisturizes and nourishes your skin deeply.

  1.  Cleanse your face with lukewarm water to remove all makeup or dirt from your face
  2.  Simply heat 1 teaspoon of sweet almond ozonated oil up to bearable heat point and mix in 2 drops of Vitamin E. You can extract vitamin E from a vitamin E capsule. Just touch it to feel that it’s not too hot to burn your skin. Apply this mixture on to your face and massage it gently with your finger-tips in small circular motion. Continue this process for about 10 minutes and wipe off your face with tissue or soft towel.
  3. Splash water and pat dry your face.

3. Sweet Almond Ozonated Oil For Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes: You can use it as an eye cream. Sweet almond ozonated oil is a natural solution for getting rid of under eye dark circles and puffiness of eyes, due to its anti-aging qualities. By applying almond ozonated oil remedy, you can get rid of puffiness formed under eyes caused by either being too tired or working for long hours.


No. 1:

  1.  Simply apply one or two drops of sweet almond ozonated oil over the dark circles or areas of puffiness and very gently massage or pat it, using tips of your fingers, before going to bed.
  2. Leave it overnight and allow the oil to work while you sleep. This way oil will get enough time to sink into the skin deeply. Wash off the area with cold water next morning.
  3. For optimum results apply this home remedy regularly until the dark circles under the eyes disappear. This remedy will also get rid of dark eyelids and crow’s feet.

No. 2:

  1.  Mix well  sweet almond ozonated oil and organic / raw honey in equal parts. Apply this mixture gently under your eyes and other affected areas. Make it sure not to rub it, as the skin under your eyes can stretch easily. You can also apply it to reduce puffiness under your eyes.
  2. For best results apply it before going to bet and allow it to work overnight. Wash it off with clear cold water next morning.
  3.  Follow this natural remedy regularly, until you get the results.

4. Sweet Almond Ozonated Oil For Exfoliating The Skin: The skin tends to appear dull because of the dead skin cells, which occurred due to external factors such as pollution, dirt, sweat, etc. You can use sweet almond ozonated oil home recipes for removing impurities and dead skin cells from your skin to brighten your skin.


Sweet Almond Ozonated Oil And Sugar Scrub: Sweet almond ozonated oil is one of the best base oils to make sugar scrubs for your face and skin on other parts. It’s a great scrub that can reach deep into skin pores for exfoliating your skin from head to toe, thereby revitalize and rejuvenate your dry and damaged skin. It works as a moisturizer as well and makes your skin soft, clear and attractive.

  1.  Mix well 1 tablespoon of sugar and sweet almond ozonated oil each. Before taking bath or shower, massage this scrub on your face and other areas gently with your fingertips in small circular motions. This process will remove dead skin cells from your skin.
  2. Follow with a bath or shower to remove all residues of the scrub.

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