Ozone therapy is one of the present-day and perspective fields of modern medicine with a low pharmacological load for a patient. Ozone therapy is more than 100 years, and despite many debates about reasonability of this method, it is generally recognized by patients.
Ozone is an unstable gas, which consists of 3 oxygen atoms, it has a high oxidative capacity. Ozone is a highly toxic compound for living bodies. Due to its ability to oxidize and destroy organic and nonorganic compounds it was used even during the First World War for management of wounds.
In present-day ozone therapy ozone-oxygen mixtures with different concentration of ozone from 1 to 80 mg per 1 litre of oxygen are applied, which are received from oxygen with the help of medical ozonator for medical and cosmetic purposes.
Chronic Pyelonephritis
In the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis medical ozone is used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective agent. Although the gram-negative bacteria are less sensitive to ozone than the gram-positive ones, ozone therapy has proved to be highly effective, particularly in medical conditions where medicinal treatment fails.
The bactericidal action of ozone involves stimulation of phagocytosis through an increase in the generation of hydrogen peroxides by leukocytes while in chronic infections no H2O2 or too little of it is formed. The influence of ozone on the lymphocytes and monocytes induces an increase in their energy properties i.e. an increase not only in the phagocytic properties, but also in the production of cytokines, in particular interleukines. The latter normalize the cellular and humoral immunity, which is disturbed in chronic pyelonephritis. It comes to the increased formation of T-killers indicating the efficiency of the cellular immunity, the optimized formation of T-helpers and T-suppressors regulating the activity of B-lymphocytes, which are responsible for synthesis of immunoglobulins. So, by this way ozone therapy produces an immunomodulating effect. Ozone directly affects the bacteria by destroying their membrane integration owing to the oxidation of phospolipids and lipoproteins, it penetrates into the microbial cell, reacts with the substance of cytoplasm, in particular DNA, and disturbs the proliferation of bacteria. Moreover, the toxity towards the infectious agents, but not towards the patient is explained so that the bacteria have not the enzymatic antioxidant mechanisms, which are characteristic of higher organisms.
In case of latent, lightly manifested chronic pyelonephritis ozone therapy can be used both as a monotherapy and in combination with anti-inflammatory agents. In the period of aggravation the complex treatment is preferable. It is important to know that under the action of ozone the microorganisms are more sensitive to medicinal agents such as antiseptics and antibiotics.
Recommended methods of ozone therapy:
Intravenous drop-by-drop infusions of ozonated saline solution;
Rectal ozone insufflations;
Major autohaemotehrapy with ozone;
Minor autohaemotherapy with ozone;
Intranodular (in the field of groin glands) drop-by-drop infusions of ozonated saline solution.
Already on the 2nd day most of the patients report about an improvement of general condition, disappearance of weakness, a decrease in dysuriac disturbances. After 4-5 procedures it comes to a distinct decrease in leukocyturia and bacteriuria, normalization of blood indices, a decrease in misbalance of helper-suppressor relationship, activation of phagocytosis. Good results of treatment were received using intravenous infusions of ozonated physiological saline before and after lithotripsy (V.V. Kuzmenko etc, 1998).
The antimicrobic and detoxication properties of ozone are successfully used in the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis.
The intravesical use of ozonated crystalloids produces a well-manifested sanative and anti-inflammatory effect by suppressing the growth or considerably decreasing the concentration (colony-forming units/ml) of enterococcus, Proteus, colibacillus and completely eliminating dysuriac disturbances.
Recommended methods of ozone therapy:
Bladder irrigations with ozonated saline solution through a Foley 3-way-catheter.
The close results showed a 100% healing of primary infectious focus, diffuse, acute and chronic cystitis. Already after one procedure most of the patients reported about a decrease in dysuriac disturbances, disappearance of pain sensations, improvement of general state, increase in workability. After the treatment course in 75% of patients pathogenic flora was not found out in the urine, and in 18% the microbiological investigation showed an increase in the sensitivity of microflora to the well-known and mostly used antibiotics.
The histological investigation conducted after 3 procedures of bladder irrigations in 36 patients pointed out morphological signs of bactericidal, anti-adhesive and hydromassage action of this method. The assessment of received results showed an improvement in both primary and postprimary cystitis of infectious genesis.
The intracavitary use of ozonated saline solution has proved to be particularly effective when cystitis is caused by microorganisms, which are resistant to most of available antibiotics as well as in case of long-drawn-out cystitis after the surgery on open bladder when there is a washing drainage system in the cavity
Diseases Transmissible by Sexual Way
The most frequent in the general structure of human infectious pathology are the diseases of reproductive system. The so-called "diseases of second generation" - urogenital chlamydiosis, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, viral diseases take the leading place among the reasons for disturbances of generative function and marital infertility. More than 20 causative agents transmissible through sexual contacts induce the diseases transmissible by sexual way. The main forms of localized chlamydiosis in male patients are: urethritis - in 30-50%, urethroprostatitis - in 26-46%, and in young men epididymitis - in 35-50%. In women primary chlamydeous infection in 30-60% of cases develops in cervical canal and/or urethra and in case of its rising transmission leads to endometritis, adenixitis, salpingitis, oophoritis and primary or postprimary infertility, spontaneous abortion.
The complexity of diagnostics and treatment of chlamydia is explained by its four kinds known today: Chlamydia trachomatis, C.psittaci, C.pneumouiae, C.pecorum. Urogenital clones of chlamydia adapted to epithelial cells of mucous membranes of urogenital organs C.trachomatis have 15 immunotypes, and C.psittaci - 10 immunotypes. The use of traditional transformating agents-antibiotics can lead to formation of anomalous, similar with L-forms bacteria, chlamydeous forms with different defects of cell wall. The most important is the ability of chlamydia to survive in cells of immune system - polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages.
The typical for urogenital infection suppression of cellular immunity and disturbance of digestive function of leukocytes leads to endobiocytosis of gonococcus, its L-forms, trichomonad and chlamydia that is considered the reason for disease relapses.
The complex ozone therapy leads to improvement in the immunity indices, restoration of the functional activity of immunocompetent cells, normalization of biocenosis, inhibition of lipid peroxidation processes, activation of the organism's own antioxidant mechanisms that results in the liquidation of aggravations of chronic inflammatory urogenital processes and elimination of causative agent.
Recommended methods of ozone therapy:
Intravenous drop-by-drop infusions of ozonated saline solution;
Minor autohaemotherapy with ozone;
Urethra rinsing with ozonated saline solution;
Ozonized olive oil for local applications or microenemas
In the course of treatment it comes to fast and stable positive clinical-laboratory dynamics in approx. 97% of cases. After 4-5 procedures it comes to disappearance of pathological symptomatics (pain, lancinating pain, urethral itch, urethral secretion). Along with disappearance of subjective symptomatics it comes to remission of mucous-suppurative endocervicitis, acute and chronic endometritis, adnexitis, chronic prostatitis. It comes to a considerable increase in the T-lymphocytes through T-helpers, an increase in immunoglobulin titer, an increase in the phagocytic activity of neutrophile granulocytes, a considerable decrease in the plasma level of circulating immune complexes that results in the activation of immunity. It has been established a decrease in the blood level of end products of lipid peroxidation and growth of antioxidant activity. It has been observed an increase in the sensitivity of microflora to the well-known and most used antibiotics. After the performed course of ozone therapy it comes to stable remission.