Marin Crangaci


"Split ends" refers to the splitting or fraying of the hair shaft, most commonly affecting long hair. This occurs when the outermost layer of the hair shaft, the cuticle, is damaged, exposing the cortex of the hair. This damage can lead to hair breakage, dry hair ends, dead ends, and of course, split ends. It is a common misconception that split ends only affect the hair ends; the hair can in fact “split” anywhere along the hair shaft. This damaged hair is then coarse, dull, and difficult to manage and style. Types of split ends Split ends can be prevented with...

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Marin Crangaci

Ozonated Olive Oil For Skin: 7 Uses

Ozonated Olive oil is a multitasking hero that people have used for years as a beauty enhancer for hair, body, and face. If you're interested in adding it to your routine, there are several ways to do so. We outlined the best skin care uses and benefits here so you'll know exactly what to do: 1. A natural makeup remover Removing stubborn makeup—you know, the common culprits like mascara and waterproof products—is a pain. Often, people will reach for wipes or cotton rounds doused in makeup removers. You can skip all that and just go straight for this kitchen staple. When...

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Marin Crangaci
Ozonated Oils for Nails and Cuticles

Ozonated Oils for Nails and Cuticles

Many factors affect the health and appearance of our nails and cuticles. Cold weather, repeated hand washing, and exposure to detergents and household cleaners can cause drier, more rigid nails that can crack easily, as well as rough ragged cuticles that are visibly starving for moisture. During cold weather especially, nails and cuticles become dehydrated, resulting in peeling and splitting as well as frayed edges. Nails are also more susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections during the winter months. While battling dry skin, people often turn to lotions and creams that moisturize the surface of the skin, yet fail to...

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Marin Crangaci

Can ozonated oil help in burn injuries?

 Burn injuries are one of the major health problems all over the world. The problem of infection in burn wounds is considered a major problem and the main cause of death in many burned patients. Ozone has been used with good results in the treatment of patients with burns and complicated burns, because of its germicidal properties and its influence on the processes of oxygen metabolism, and other effects. Overview Burns are tissue damage that results from heat, overexposure to the sun or other radiation, or chemical or electrical contact. Burns can be minor medical problems or life-threatening emergencies. The...

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