Marin Crangaci

How can COVID-19 affect the skin?

Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is an ongoing global pandemic caused by the "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" (SARS-CoV-2), which was isolated for the first time in Wuhan (China) in December 2019. Common symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, dyspnea and hypogeusia/hyposmia. Among extrapulmonary signs associated with COVID-19, dermatological manifestations have been increasingly reported in the last few months. Skin problems that have been seen in people with COVID “COVID Digits” are tender swellings on the fingers and toes which may be purple in those with lighter skin or a slightly darker appearance/brown/black in those with darker skin. They look like chilblains and are...

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Marin Crangaci


Our skin is the largest organ we have. It stands between the world and the rest of our body, constantly suffering physical damage, attack by microbes, and degradation by the sun and other environmental factors to keep the rest of our organs safe. Our top layer of skin is made up of brick-shaped cells called corneocytes that fall off as they are damaged and get replaced from the bottom on up. These bricks are held together by a mortar made from proteins and lipids that seal in moisture. If the surface of our skin gets too dry or damaged the...

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Marin Crangaci

Ozonated Oils - The Best Anti-Aging Skin Care

The cosmetic and beauty industry is one of the world’s oldest professions, dating as far back as 1000 B.C. to the Picts, a tribe in Scotland. The use of ointments and oils was recorded on papyrus by the Ancient Egyptians, and cold cream is said to have been invented by the ancient Greek physician Galen. The quest for beautiful skin will bring many patients seeking expert advice to the dermatologist’s office. Aging Skin Factors How skin ages depends on a number of factors. The primary factor that determines the way a person ages is underlying genetics. Other internal influences include...

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Marin Crangaci

How to Determine Your Skin Type and Why It Is Important?

Every skin is different; therefore, it is important to know all types of skin and the diseases that may affect each one. How to determine your skin type? Several criteria are used to classify the different types of skin. For example, Fitzpatrick's classification, first described in 1975, is based on skin color and its response to sun exposure. It is used to determine the proper type of sun protection factor or to predict the risk of skin cancer, among others.  From a cosmetic point of view, skin is classified according to several factors related to its balance: sebaceous secretion, hydration and sensitivity level. Thus, each type of...

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