Elena Sincariova

How to Use Ozonated oils in treatment of skin diseases such as acne, cellulite and many others.

  How to Use Ozonated oils in treating skin diseases such as acne, cellulite and many others: Bedsore also known as decubitus ulcers, pressure ulcers, or pressure soresClean the infected area with clean water (preferably distilled water ), spray organic ozonated hemp oil several times a day depending on how severe is the wound. The more frequent you apply the quicker the healing process will take place.It works amazing for those in a wheelchair, lying in bed permanently or for extended periods of times due to the immobility. Diabetic wound/ulcer Clean the infected area with clean water (preferably distilled water ),...

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Elena Sincariova

A brief history of ozonated oils

A brief history of ozonated oils Ozonated olive oil was discovered quite by accident in the early 1900s, when breathing ozone through oil was used to treat tuberculosis.  After many treatments the olive oil turned into a gel and seemed to hold ozone for a long time, making it a great salve used for a variety of ailments.  Famous inventor Nikola Tesla was the first to market it, and as early as 1904 it was being sold in pharmacies all over the country under the name Glycozone. Ozone therapy and the use of ozone oils was flourishing in the United...

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Elena Sincariova

The Science Behind Ozonated Oils

Two-time Nobel Prize winning Doctor, Otto Warburg, shocked the world when he revealed that most of the disease is caused by insufficient oxygen levels in the body. In fact, his studies showed that if you deprive a cell of 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 48 hours, the cell is likely to become cancerous. That’s why cancer is so widespread in our modern society — because most people suffer from Oxygen deprivation. 4th International Symposia on Ozone Applications 2004 every few years review applications of Ozone therapy attempting to figure out exactly what kind of mechanism is involved,...

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Marin Crengaci