Elena Sincariova

What is acne and how can I deal with it?

  Acne can affect both adults and teenagers. The four main causes for acne are: Clogged pores Dead skin cells Bacteria Oil production Acne occurs where you have the most sebaceous glands (oil glands), which are connected to the hair follicle. These glands produce sebum, an oil, that is used to lubricate your hair and skin. At times, there can be a buildup of excess sebum and dead skin cells around the hair follicle, clogging the pore. This creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive, forming a pimple. A potential way to remedy this is by using ozonated oil....

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Elena Sincariova

Benefits of ozonated oils for skin health

HOW IS OZONATED OIL MADE? It is produced by using very high quality, cold pressed virgin oil which is put through a manufacturing process referred to as ‘ozone injection’. This process involves bubbling the ozone into the oil for a fairly extended period until it is ready for use. BENEFITS OF OZONATED OILs Ozonated oil is most commonly used for the skin. It can be applied directly to the skin in exactly the same way that you would use a skin cream or salve.It has properties that can help stimulate regeneration of skin cells while also being able to sterilize and clean wounds. Ozonated...

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Elena Sincariova

Hemp Seed ozonated oil as moisturizer

Hemp Seed ozonated oil as moisturizer Ozonated oil excellent for daily facial moisturizer and body lotionOzonated Hemp Seed Oil is the best moisturizer compare with many other expensive facial cream or moisturizer. It’s 100% natural and it contains the EFA omega 6 & 3 which can easily absorb deep into your skin. Therefore you can see the result just in couple days after you apply them onto your skin. Your skin will appear smooth, shiny and rejuvenate. It’s also the best anti-aging moisturizer helps to slow down your skin aging processes, such as wrinkles and sagging skin. Dry / cracked...

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Elena Sincariova

What is ozonated olive oil?

  What is Ozonated Olive Oil? Ozonated olive oil is made with high quality, organic, extra-virgin, cold pressed olive oil that is put through a process of “ozone injection”, which is bubbling ozone into the liquid for an extended period of time.   The Top Benefits of Ozonated Olive Oil Ozonated Olive Oil holds a variety of health benefits but is most commonly used for conditions of the skin and external body, much as you would use a therapeutic salve or cream. As a massage oil, the ozonide acts as an antioxidant, allowing lactic acid and toxins to be released from the pores...

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